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Introducing COSIRI

Who is COSIRI for

Introducing COSIRI
The future of green manufacturing starts here.
COSIRI (Consumer Sustainability Industry Readiness Index) is a comprehensive ESG framework designed to assess the sustainability maturity of companies. Tailored specifically for manufacturers, its applicability spans across all manufacturing industries, regardless of whether the company is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) or a multinational corporation (MNC).
Endorsed by the World Economic Forum (WEF), COSIRI is widely recognised
as the leading ESG assessment framework globally. This endorsement underscores the importance of integrating sustainable practices into every manufacturing industry, with a dedicated focus on the reduction of GHG emissions.

We help manufacturers assess their sustainability readiness and identify sustainable solutions
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Who is COSIRI for?
COSIRI is specifically tailored for the manufacturing sector to help companies address the urgent need of reducing GHG emissions. COSIRI evaluates ESG maturity levels across various dimensions, including the shopfloor, supply chain, logistics, strategy, risks, workforce development, and leadership. This holistic approach ensures collective commitment to reducing GHG emissions across Scopes 1, 2, and 3.
Governments can collaborate with INCIT to assess the ESG performance of key industries within their economy, pinpointing areas of weakness to make data-driven decisions and design targeted support programmes to elevate them.
Associations can leverage granular data to analyse specific industry segments, gaining profound insights into the ecosystem and its supply chain.Expand your current services and solutions to include sustainability. Gain insights in your client’s areas to improve
and offer your expert advice for improvement.
With sustainability becoming a focal point across almost all industry sectors, incorporating COSIRI into your professional services can be pivotal. Utilise the COSIRI assessment to develop tailored sustainability solutions for your clients and enhance your service offerings.Add COSIRI into your investment consideration: assess your prospects’ ESG risks, ESG performance, how they fare in relative to industry peers, and measure these factors against your risk appetite. COSIRI helps you determine your risk exposure and evaluate your prospects’ sustainability strategy, mid-term and long-term targets, their actions towards climate risks, compliance risks, supply chain resilience, governance, and other critical areas.

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INCIT develops and deploys globally referenced frameworks, tools, concepts and programs for the international manufacturing community to drive industrial transformation and progress.

INCIT develops and deploys globally referenced frameworks, tools, concepts and programs for the international manufacturing community to drive industrial transformation and progress.

INCIT develops and deploys globally referenced frameworks, tools, concepts and programs for the international manufacturing community to drive industrial transformation and progress.